The MBB Resource Database - a huge milestone!

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We all know how hard it can be to find the right resources for our work among Muslim Background Believers. This is particularly true when the objective is to identify materials that address specific issues and are presented in a language that is accessible and easy to understand.
Fortunately, many people have seen this need for easily accessible resources. At the Paths of Life consultation and Hikma partnership launch, which Word of Life and Communio Messianica initiated, we proposed the idea of establishing a database where participants could share the resources they know, letting anyone around the world with internet access use them.

Hikma Partnership and Paths of Life decided to meet this need by working together to establish a new database of resources for MBBs and people ministering to them. Over the past two years, the team has been working hard towards the launch of the MBB Resource Database. This is a one-stop location for all types of resources relevant for MBBs and those working with them.
Links to relevant YouTube channels, websites, books, courses, apps, academic monographies, recent research papers – it’s all there in the database for anyone to access for free. Registered partners may also choose to share special resources with the community of registered users. This could include works in progress that are not yet ready for general publication, exclusive content, or material for which collaboration has been requested.
There are already hundreds of entries in dozens of languages available to browse, many of them accessible through the database at no cost. Searching for relevant resources is also made easy with built in filter features that allow you to search by topic, author, intended audience, geographical relevance and more.
We hope you will be richly blessed by using this database.
Go to the MBB Resource DatabasePlease note: Communio Messianica uses the term “MBBs” (Muslim Background Believers) and Paths of Life uses “BMBs” (Believers from a Muslim Background). Both terms can be used interchangeably.
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