On the situation in Israel/Gaza

We as Muslim Background Believers (MBBs) and Communio Messianica are praying for victims on both sides of the conflict, we pray that the situation will not escalate and that overreaction will not occur on either side. We condemn all acts of terror, and we stand with those who are suffering as targets of terrorism and dying because of it.
As the body of Christ, we want to pray for peace for each individual in the Middle East, because the message and unconditional love of our Lord Jesus Christ is for every human. Jesus does not partake in politics… He sees the individual as they are in need, suffering, and lost. Through following His example, we do not pray for sides – we pray for all the people impacted by this conflict.
MBBs live as the smallest minority both in Israel and the Palestinian areas, and we have another, somewhat larger minority in the Messianic Jews. All of whom have been neglected by politics and even persecuted by their own people as a result of their faith in Jesus. We need to pray for reconciliation between the Messianic and the Muslim Background Believers. We have grown in fellowshipping with one another, and we do not want to see the relationships built, destroyed by differences of opinions or because of ethnic differences.
As a result of the current conflict, our faith and our values are being tested. Jesus Christ commanded us to stand with the persecuted and empathize with them because we are one body, the body of Christ.
We pray for peace for Jerusalem. We pray for the safety of all who are caught in the crossfire. We pray that they will not become bitter but continue to put their faith and hope in our Lord Jesus and trust in his provision and deliverance. We pray that they would reflect the light of Christ in this present darkness and shine out as a beacon for those in need of his salvation. This prayer will be at the heart of our MBB Global Prayer Day, hosted on www.mbbglobal.net, GOD TV and over 70 other TV stations around the world.
Our Lord is the Prince of Peace, and peace starts from the heart of individuals so that we can stand together as children of heaven, and be reconciled as Christians, Jews and Arabs. That is what brings us and keeps us together.
As Communio Messianica we pray:
Almighty God and Father,
thank you that we can pray together as your children for the MBBs, for the Messianic Jewish believers, and for the tragic situation in the Middle East. We want to ask for peace for Jerusalem and peace for the individuals in North Africa and the Middle East, especially in Gaza, in the West Bank and in Israel. This war is from the primary enemy, Satan, and we want to break this satanic enmity down. We want you to bring the peace of Jesus, the Prince of Peace who came to us and died for us, and He rose on the third day as the victor over Satan, sin and death. He forgives us our sins when- and wherever we accept Christ as the Lord of our life. This gives us peace in our hearts and peace with others. We pray for reconciliation between the Jews and Arabs.
We pray for the persecuted, we pray for all the individuals affected by this conflict. We ask you to show the whole world that we, followers of Jesus are one family no matter what background we have. We all have the background of those lost in sin. But since you have found us, Lord Jesus, we are now one in you – one family in Christ! Thank you for this unity we have in you.
We thank you to all those who pray for the Middle East. Give them faith, hope, love and strength to continue being prayer warriors.
We pray this all in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.