Earthquake Update V from CM leader in Turkey

Walking together and sharing the pain
Our dear Family in Christ.
Peace to all from our Lord Jesus Christ. The devastation, pain and loss caused by the February 6 Kahramanmaraş earthquake disaster continues to deeply sadden every single person in our country. The number of officially identified dead is over 45,000. The number of people who have died outside of that number is considerably higher and is still unaccounted for. In addition, two more earthquakes centered in Hatay Samandağ and Malatya have shaken the region, added new wounds and creating more fear while the wounds are still fresh.
However, despite this sadness, it is clearly seen by our churches how important it is to help, to walk together and to share the pain. We know and believe that our God works for good in every way. Our prayer is that our God will show his grace clearly to our country.
Hatay, Antakya: Tents are being set up and supplies are being distributed at full speed in this region. Churches are trying to continue their services with the coordination of local and official authorities. In Antakya, brothers and sisters from Diyarbakır and Izmir are providing tent distribution and food services. In addition, a Church has purchased a bakery in response to the need for bread in the region and is delivering aid to the people in the region. Especially in the city center of Hatay, meals are served to 15,000 people daily. In addition, the First Hope Association (İlk Umut), which is active in the region, provides mobilization and provides services to meet general needs such as showers, toilets, mobile bakery, food, and food distribution. A play tent has also been set up for children.
Hatay, İskenderun: In Iskenderun, services are generally held under the umbrella of the Iskenderun Church. The Iskenderun Church is currently used as a warehouse. However, since the building has been damaged by the second and other aftershocks, it has become very dangerous to stay in the building. The tent city requires a significant amount of manpower, as the installation of the tent city starts with laying pebbles on the ground, so people go to the region for this purpose. In addition, the tent city consists of 80 tents in an area provided by the municipality. Permission has been obtained and plans are being made to distribute food, organize social activities for children and young people, and establish psychological counseling groups in the tent city.
Hatay, Defne: In the Antakya Defne region, some brothers and sisters deliver aid especially for the villages. The materials needed by the villages are divided into parcels in the district and transported to the villages.
Hatay, Samandağ: In Samandağ district, groups from Altınözü and Istanbul continue their services. All materials are collected in a warehouse allocated by Samandağ Municipality and distributed to those in need. Electricity and water have been provided to the region by the government.
Hatay, Altınözü: Altınözü Church carries out its services in the region without any breaks. Although the church members have been provided with tents, there is still a need for tents in the region. Church members invite people on certain days to distribute their needs.
Karimnagar’s: In Kahramanmaraş, the church in Kayseri provides a special service. Parcels, tents, and kitchen utensils prepared in the Kayseri warehouse are delivered to the region. It is stated that the need in the districts is higher than in the provincial center as Kahramanmaraş has many and scattered districts. As the weather is still cold, the need for stoves and coal is increasing
Adana: Adana Church is active in this region. This region fulfills the supply chain needs for Kahramanmaraş, Antakya and İskenderun. Vehicles transport supplies to many parts of the region. Thanks to the warehouse in Adana, aid is coordinated and delivered to other regions.
Mersin: In the Mersin region, the Mersin Church is heading up different aid services and distributing aid.
Adıyaman: Servants from the Church of Mardin and Yalova are serving in Adıyaman. Tents are being set up in the area and parcels are being prepared and supplies are being distributed as needed. The brothers are also distributing food through their kitchen. An unused factory in the area is being used as a warehouse. However, there is a great need for containers, showers, and mobile toilets in the region. It is planned to contact container factories and order 10 shower and toilet containers.
Malatya: Distribution of food and supplies continues in the region. They distribute food according to those in need. Since they provide kitchen services, they need help with food supplies. In Malatya, the building used as a warehouse by the Kurtuluş Church collapsed after the earthquake in Malatya. We are thankful that there was no loss of life due to the collapse. Believers whose houses were destroyed are staying in the houses of brothers and sisters whose houses are still able to be used.
In addition, contact information is being collected in all regions for those who were trapped under the rubble and lost limbs in the earthquake. Plans are being made to help these victims especially in the future.
In the meantime, all the churches and our brothers and sisters in the region continue to humbly help and serve. Each person reflects the light of Christ. Especially in the last days we have started to hear very good testimonies from the region, and we believe that these will increase and multiply. We will collect the news we have heard so far from the brothers and sisters and share it with you.
May the Lord have mercy on us all. May He protect and lead us with His Holy Spirit.
If you would like to donate to these affected brothers and sisters who are already suffering hardship, we will be happy to pass this on through CM.
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