Dr. Yassir Eric: Evangelist of the year
GERMANY - "Hope Bearer of the Year" from IDEA 12/28/21.
Dr. Yassir Eric, a theologian from Sudan, ministers to Christians with a Muslim background (so-called Muslim-Background Believers, MBBs) worldwide as the leader of Communio Messianica (CM). CM aims at representing and joining the growing numbers of MBBs worldwide to form a new community: "the Ummah of Jesus Christ." Eric himself comes from a highly acclaimed Muslim family and used to be an Islamic radical. He knows firsthand the problems and needs of MBBs, as they often find it difficult to be recognized by the authorities and societies in Muslim-majority countries and even to integrate into existing historical churches. Dr. Eric now travels to many countries, training MBBs, networking them locally, and baptizing Muslims who have embraced Christianity despite the grave and serious consequences for so doing. He has also directed the European Institute for Migration, Integration and Islam Issues at AWM (formerly the Academy for World Mission/Korntal) since 2013.
By Daniel Scholaster for IDEA