06/17/2024 | Europe

Cordial invitation to the 1st Communio Messianica Mission Festival

The harvest is ripe!

Dear friends,

we look back on one year of Communio Messianica e.V. and the installation of Dr Yassir Eric as bishop of the emerging church of former Muslims from the Islamic world! On 7 July 2024 at Schönblick/Schwäbisch Gmünd, we will celebrate together what God is doing worldwide through Communio Messianica e.V.
We cordially invite you to join us and would be delighted if you could share in our celebration and strengthen the friendships and partnerships that have developed. We look forward to meeting you in person!

The Communio Messianica team


12 noon: Lunch
1 - 3 p.m.: Plenary session
3 - 3.30 pm: Coffee break

15.30 Seminar 1: News from the CM world
3.30 p.m. Seminar 2: Networking with partner organisations

5 - 5.15 pm: Break
5.15 - 6 p.m.: Outlook
6 pm: Dinner and get-together in the foyer

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How to register

You can register via our contact form.  Please indicate whether you would like to attend lunch and/or dinner and whether you require special food (gluten-free/lactose-free/vegetarian).   

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