Mission and Commission of CM
- To faithfully proclaim the saving Gospel of Jesus Christ to Muslims everywhere in the world,
- To gather converts from Islam into local fellowships for pastoral care and spiritual nourishment,
- To disciple (including mentoring, training and holding accountable) MBBs to live faithfully by the Word of God in all of life (mental, emotional, spiritual, social and physical) for the glory of Jesus Christ,
- To build up the MBB-based Church within the body of Christ to be a transformed community,
- To develop a committed, mature and qualified MBB leadership in order to fulfill the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18 -20) of our Lord Jesus Christ under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, making disciples and planting churches among unreached peoples

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Communio Messianica provides
- A unique and contextual identity which is represented in the global Body of Christ,
- A contextual doctrine and theology, which is developed by believers from a Muslim background, to present the Word of God in relation to Islam,
- A discipleship model, which is developed by believers from a Muslim background, to introduce a “new way of life”, guiding MBBs to maturity in faith,
- Leadership development and pastoral care within the MBB communities of faith,
- Purpose in terms of mobilizing and equipping MBBs with courage and boldness to reach their families and communities with the love of Christ,
- Advocacy, addressing the injustice against MBB’s and speak to issues of fear, supporting those that face persecution.