Earthquake Relief Update III by CM’s partner in Syria

13th February 2023
SYRIA: One week after the earthquake, the extent of the disaster is becoming increasingly visible. The total number of victims is currently more than 35’000, and the UN has said that this figure may double. In Syria, more than 5’300 deaths have already been counted and more than five million homeless. Now, in large parts of Syria the search for survivors has been suspended. More accurate figures, for example regarding homeless, (completely/partially) destroyed houses remain difficult to obtain, but hopefully can be given in future updates.
International aid is only slowly ramping up, but remains stalled due to the political fragmentation of the country, especially the Syrian northwest. Many of the militias are still blocking aid convoys from other parts of the country from entering the area they control, yet people continue to suffer.
In Aleppo City
Despite these adverse conditions, our teams were able to bring aid to the Kurdish quarter of Aleppo, which had been completely cut off. Here they found huge need, many people starving and lacking everything, as their neighborhood had been sealed off. With the help of our local church partners, we were able to provide more aid to the most needy families with survival kits, water and food.
Furthermore, the local church kept its buildings open to offer homeless people a roof over their heads, warmth, blankets, food and drink. Likewise, our relief teams continue to go to the parks to help people in need. In doing so, wisdom is needed to discern who is in need and to what extent. Primarily we want to help the most needy who have lost everything - and that is immense.
In the Afrin / Al-Shahba refugee camps
In the refugee camps (see previous updates), where our relief teams are working around the clock, the situation is not much better. Here, too, there is a need for everything and the supply situation is getting tighter because there is little to nothing available in the stores. However, earthquake refugees from the city continue to arrive in the camps. Over the weekend alone, there were hundreds of new family arrivals. Our emergency relief teams were able to distribute food packages and drinking water in four different refugee camps over the weekend.
Likewise, we are helping through local churches in Arabic-speaking Antakya, formerly Antioch (Acts 11:26). There, almost all the churches have been destroyed and services yesterday were held outdoors in front of the destroyed church buildings. Our local pastor A is urgently asking for prayer because many people in Antakya have lost loved ones and too little help has arrived so far. As a church they are supporting the people stranded on the streets with water, food and warm blankets, we are helping them.
If you would like to donate to these affected brothers and sisters who are already suffering hardship, we will be happy to pass this on through CM.
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